Originally Posted by Faky View Post
I requested few months ago to add very unique outfits to event shop, higher price only for rent and not able to gift.

Removing ep reward from daily activity rewards is best suggestion srsly its gonna make people participate in events.
Pls provide some extra emojis/emotes only for event players that pack can be brought from event store like Nitro in discord.

Thanks bunny overall good application you are hired
si, adding something like packs of things similar to nitro on discord is good idea si. additionally, maybe extra loadout slots can be bought with eps (with the price smaller than the one of coins after conversion ratio), and in the future, more bots (thanks frooples) and bot effects/emojis/taunts/special mechanics with event points only. perhaps even make people start off with 0 bots and require points to buy their first. make it like 10 eps at first, but 25 for another, 50, 100, etc.

in general, due to inflation in the server (because coins and event points are generated from nothing from various sources), the shops have become unappealing and prices need to naturally increase.
If you (admins) want to, you can add weapons for 1000 coins. i'm sure theres alot people who are gonna buy them.