Originally Posted by Waex View Post
For majority of the update awesome and thank you.. super excited to see some awesome changes. The only thing which I'm not a fan of is losing the ability to glitch at BP. Riding Boss Party was literally the only actual challenge questing provided and now it's no longer even possible. I spent a few hours the other day trying to do a solo 100% BP with barely even being able to get a kill or two. I get that we shouldn't be able to solo it, but I think the gatekeeper to BP being able to ride and do that glitch is what made it so much fun. Now literally no one even tries or attempts it because it just isn't worth the time. Even if you can't bring back the glitch then maybe have a maximum number of bosses that spawn initially based on number of players in the group. Solo should be 2-3, Duo +1 and so on so forth. I just wanna enjoy BP again whether its in a new form or its old form. Other changes are awesome though and the difficulty additions is cool for the questing although its disputable whether just increasing a bosses health actually adds any difficulty to the quest itself. Godlikes are awesome and can't wait to score one. ELO system is awesome and all around good changes. I just want the quest system to work again. The entire quest meta was essentially taken away in a heartbeat and left with an iffy system at best that no longer feeds that difficulty itch. Thanks for your work guys.
literally made a whole post of how you're unhappy that you can't glitch in quest, something that shouldn't even be a thing at the first place lmao