Originally Posted by McSic View Post
I disagree with unlocking the camera during the whole wall run. It was tested prior to the update and decided against.

Yeah, medstyle community has died before and I don't think there was more to explore for them? They've done all tricks. Besides, Linzor is one medstyler who's pretty good at it and liked the update due to the new possibilities. Medstyle has changed, but players are creating new tricks now, which actually sounds like a good thing.

This is something I can agree with.
if you can completely turn this into a toggleable thing, then i'm im all for it, i just didnt know that was a possibility. I personally would completely disable that option, because I dont feel the need to be able to move my crosshair around during a bounce animation lock, considering that a simple slash or hang can both cancel the lock, and allow me to dash.