Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
Well I'm not talking about a case where the user has already maxed out, if someone won 2 rounds that means he's allowed to win in one more round, if the hoster decides to host a 2 EPs round and that user won the round then he should still receive 2 EPs instead of giving him only 1 EP because there's a 3 EPs cap rule. The whole point is not allowing him to win the 4th round because you want others to win as well but if he won the 3rd round and it was a 2 EPs round, then it's unfair to not giving him the full prize.
In the first place why host decided to host 2eps round? did he forgot about winner receives 1 event point rule? 2ndly if he decided to giveaway extra why he cant count it as extra event point? it sound unprofessional et, in my point of view host should know to quick fair judgement on time n every time (its a core requirement as a et).

Race event case: Host should not allow maxed out player to participate in 4th round cus he might block other players or try to fail them by intentionally/unintentionally. (host should let him know if there is a extra or not if there is extra round confirmed by et, host should make him sit for the rest 4/5th round with him in base)

Death Race event case: host was talking about AE issue at starting, AE abuse is called cheat if a player did ae abuse he should've kicked out I know its harder to find but after end of the event host should watch replay n send points to legit winner if he abused, dont send if not send points. (keep this until problem is fixed by admins) also abuser deserve punishment cus its not allowed.

to fix ^this problem I've idea it might helps but not sure, increase timer of players spawn time with no dmg (that blur thing)
my opinion on ets perspective please donot hurt urself i am not here to mock anyone