Originally Posted by Hart View Post
is there a way to have people who are queued in cw, does /go , and goes to play in a room, to be able to leave immediately when they get into a cw? I've had this happen multiple times whereby when i get pulled into a cw mid-tdm, i leave the tdm at the exact same time as i enter the cw, and the game just breaks. You can't immediately leave in the tdm if you get hit, so it leaves with a timer, and you cant see the timer at all since its blocked by the cw map-poll.

Kinda confusing but yea

oh yea, and spectating looks weird rn, seems like the player is aimbotting
The CW suggestion is a difficult one to test and debug, but I'll see what I can do.

Regarding the spectate being weird, that's because when you spectate, the player data get smoothened, otherwise spectating would be very jittery due to the high tick rate. Perhaps the smooth is too much, we can easily adjust that.