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If this was suggested delete this post, please. But I guess murder (imposter) gamemode would be fun to play in Fgunz.
Every round one player is selected as being murder/imposter and one player is selected that has a gun.
Murder's goal is to kill all players before they find out who is the murderer and kill him with a gun (this is from Gmod rather than from Among us with the kick system) before the time runs out.
Meanwhile the rest of the players have a hunger level and they have to look for food to avoid dying. Food is spawned randomly in map in certain intervals so players have to look for it and cannot stay together all the time, because food spawn only lasts for x amount of time and if players are in one place they wont be able to sustain the whole team if sticking together. And if they wont find food they die and murder wins.
Murder has a dagger that can one hit players.
Dead players leave a trace (well I don't know about gunz capabilities, but I guess it's possible to spawn a prop that would indicate a dead player like ammo is spawned when ammo drop is enabled).
Dead player is instantly muted from chat and whisper and put into spectate mod of alive players.
Murder can also pretend to be collecting food, but he does not have to.