Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Stop crying & get good maybe you will win atleast a +1 someday .
Kid infact I won +3 and that was the first time I joined this event after a while and after this prize allocation. I was like wtf is going on.
Literally it took less than 2 minutes and gg boi event was over. In that 2 minutes ppl didn't get to learn how to play or enjoy the event. Now if you compare that to other events, then it's is the fasted event to be ended lol. It literally start then ends. there's no fun in that.

Idk who made the change but I saw relax post it so I went after him smh... Chill.
Now What relax claim is true, where players tend to leave after certain rounds. How about you change this? Make it 3 rounds 2 points each? That sounds reasonable not 1 round only that is well sort. Or it could be if the host realizes that good players plus let's say more than 15 players joined then make it 5 rounds, 1pt each.

So I believe the ETs should adapt to the situation, if less players shorten rounds to 3, if more keep it 5. Same goes for other events where player count decreases every round progresses. But 1 round which takes less than 2 mins is not the way to go.