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So, hear me out on this one, I get pretty high from time to time and may or may not have accidentally skimmed over the description the the ultimate speed vial, smh

Another point, I am still rather high , and correct me if I'm wrong, but the only difference I seem to be noticing between the donor version and in game version of the speed vials are 1 clip..... for 150 coins I was expecting a little more.

I DEMAND A FULL REFUND OF ALL, nah I'm kidding, but I was thinking it would be pretty cool if we could have an actual unlimited speed vial in game, the KAREN vial. A 1 dose hit that lasts until you die, its not the most practical thing to have, and the uses would be quite limited, still it would add a little more fun to using the donor vials, and possibly bring more people to the donor shop

Whattya think?