IGN of reported player: Rarest

Reason: Spike abusing (was warned for it very recently, didn't learn the lesson) + death avoiding.

Detail: The user has been known as a problematic one when it comes to behavior and game abuse I really can't be bothered to type a long paragraph about something that is commonly known.
Only one thing that I should type, the replay is quite long because the user is constantly trying to avoid punishment.
It starts with a death avoid, at some point, there's another death avoid while running between HP spots being unable to heal the user decided to rejoin.
while the threshold is doing the said action three times, the user knows it well and decided to abuse it with the hopes of not getting punished for it (therefore abusing the threshold), I don't thing a further elaboration is required as the entire staff team knows the user and his history around.

Proof/Evidence: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j57at...20-52.gzr/file