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  1. #1
    New Member

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    Suggestion type:

    I know its been suggested many times and it indeed got deny all those times for the sole reason of people wanted it for cw and probably using as an advantage! However , the only reason im suggesting this again, is just for casual play, specifically just normal rooms in the "Main Lobby". I ask this because I personally like watching people play gunz while I work or just to spectate duel rooms , tdm or private rooms while I eat or someshit .

    Now I know you can still fight against it saying that ppl can still use this as an advantage again. So my counter arguement is just to set it as a setting in the room settings or Custom Game option where you can allow people to specrate or not. Heck theres even a lovely space for it

    And idk maybe for VIP give them access to be able to spectate any room regardless of the option being on or off? Who knows im just sprouting ideas at this point.

    In all honestly, I just would like to spectate game rooms just to chill instead of having to rejoin constantly.
    What are yall thoughts on this?

    Suggestion description:

  2. The following user said thank you to Montreal for this useful post:

    Amamin (11-16-2022)

  3. #2
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Could instead maybe add a setting that skips your character when scrolling through spectate-able people that way you dont have to worry about people getting an advantage.

  4. #3
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

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    Oct 2012
    A harsh solution could be disabling the chat while you're spectating but then you can also leak their spots in VC although I don't think many users would do that.

  5. #4
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    In response to Ommadawn, definitely hasrh haha, however I dont think it should be that much of an issue. If spectate is enable by the game master and is shown that its active, people have the choice to join the room or not. For example, if people really care about people telling them where they are in tdms or in duel rooms lol, they already have the choice to 1. To Disable spectate mode if they are the host of the room or 2. Dont enter the room knowing the option spectate is enabled .
    Last edited by Montreal; 11-16-2022 at 03:19 PM.

  6. #5
    Cid's Avatar Highwind (wetdream)

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    Originally Posted by Montreal View Post
    In response to Ommadawn, definitely hasrh haha, however I dont think it should be that much of an issue. If spectate is enable by the game master and is shown that its active, people have the choice to join the room or not. For example, if people really care about people telling them where they are in tdms or in duel rooms lol, they already have the choice to 1. To Disable spectate mode if they are the host of the room or 2. Dont enter the room knowing the option spectate is enabled .

    It's allowed for staff members but that's sort of a non argument. Staff are capable of doing a great many things and not always on a whim. Joining a game to watch everyone is cool and all but there is a huge gateway of abuse if the people spectating can view the game in real time. There needs to be AT LEAST a one minute gap in time so people can't watch their friends TDM and say " He's in the back hallway ", " He's going left " , etc and give callouts based on a spectator experience.

    It can only work if there's a delay big enough that spectate cannot be abused, and programming that feature to show the match ~1 minute ago is a giant pain in the ass when it comes to making that work within GunZ. At this point what would be the most effective, a serverside run .GZR file for every game ? It's a really hard problem to implement properly, and it's an extremely abuse-heavy feature if added in as you would like.

    Also people do care if they get taken advantage of by some bullshit system unknowingly.

  7. #6
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    Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    It's allowed for staff members but that's sort of a non argument. Staff are capable of doing a great many things and not always on a whim. Joining a game to watch everyone is cool and all but there is a huge gateway of abuse if the people spectating can view the game in real time. There needs to be AT LEAST a one minute gap in time so people can't watch their friends TDM and say " He's in the back hallway ", " He's going left " , etc and give callouts based on a spectator experience.

    It can only work if there's a delay big enough that spectate cannot be abused, and programming that feature to show the match ~1 minute ago is a giant pain in the ass when it comes to making that work within GunZ. At this point what would be the most effective, a serverside run .GZR file for every game ? It's a really hard problem to implement properly, and it's an extremely abuse-heavy feature if added in as you would like.

    Also people do care if they get taken advantage of by some bullshit system unknowingly.
    Youre speaking of clan war im assuming because I doubt people will go to that extent to abuse it. Im speaking just in normal public lobbys or duel rooms specifically. And as mentioned to OmmaDawn and rather a point to not join the room or not allowing people to spectate. Youre taking THE EXTREME CASE of abusing it in a god dam public room haha.

    All im saying is understand the mindset of most people playing gunz in this day and age. We are all adults just vibing and having fun. Dont want people watching the game your hosting? Disable the spectate feature. Could care less? then Enable it as its that simple. Im not asking to spectate a tournament or CW lol
    Last edited by Montreal; 11-16-2022 at 07:28 PM.

  8. #7
    Cid's Avatar Highwind (wetdream)

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    Originally Posted by Montreal View Post
    Youre speaking of clan war im assuming because I doubt people will go to that extent to abuse it. Im speaking just in normal public lobbys or duel rooms specifically. And as mentioned to OmmaDawn and rather a point to not join the room or not allowing people to spectate. Youre taking THE EXTREME CASE of abusing it in a god dam public room haha.

    All im saying is understand the mindset of most people playing gunz in this day and age. We are all adults just vibing and having fun. Dont want people watching the game your hosting? Disable the spectate feature. Could care less? then Enable it as its that simple. Im not asking to spectate a tournament or CW lol
    The extreme case? You are extremely naive, GunZ players will cheat in any way possible given the opportunity.

  9. The following user said thank you to Cid for this useful post:

    Ommadawn (11-16-2022)

  10. #8
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

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    Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    The extreme case? You are extremely naive, GunZ players will cheat in any way possible given the opportunity.
    This is the main reason why there isn't a spectate mode because we know there are people who will abuse it, we know our community
    Hence I suggested something like disabling the chat so you won't be able to leak someone's location/health, I know it's too harsh tho.

  11. #9
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    Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    The extreme case? You are extremely naive, GunZ players will cheat in any way possible given the opportunity.
    Okay simple solution as I mentioned idk if youre reading my post correctly. Just dont enable the feature? If you dont like it or dont join the room. Youre acting as if someone will intentionally leak a position in a duel or a tdm that would harm the gameplay that badly. Heck if it does or if that person is not liking it he/she has the decision to either leave the room or just never enabling the spectate feaure. Youre not going against my arguement but rather just giving excuse of the issue in which I provided temporaliy solution which is to not enable the feature or not joining the room or in the case of @Ommadawn disabling the chat

    Can I tell already that youre against it which is fine, but please say a valid arguement rather throwing out what I said completely or give a solution such as Ommadawn suggested, and lets stay respectful please and thank you!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    This is the main reason why there isn't a spectate mode because we know there are people who will abuse it, we know our community
    Hence I suggested something like disabling the chat so you won't be able to leak someone's location/health, I know it's too harsh tho.
    Definitely agree, you know the community but I dont see the issue if you were to just not enabled the feature? Its as simple as not enabling or dont join the room if youre scared about people having to leak your position. And im pretty certain most people will not care about this and will have the feature spectate enabled.
    Last edited by Montreal; 11-16-2022 at 09:48 PM.

  12. The following user said thank you to Montreal for this useful post:

    Kanate (11-24-2022)

  13. #10
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    i would like to see this implemented, definitely could be abused, but if you’re going out of your way to hop into vc so that you can give the enemy location in a 16v16 garden room then you’re a straight weirdo and got some problems. i don’t see a lot of people going the extra mile for non-competitive rooms like duel or tdm. but if that really is such a big concern then maybe only make it available in duel, deathmatch and quest

  14. The following 3 users say thank you to zerojjxx for this useful post:

    Kanate (11-24-2022), Montreal (11-16-2022)

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