Originally Posted by Shang View Post
The AFK timer is way too long. Rooms die out too fast because people are afk in game. Just today 2 people (only 2, normally more) were afk in 1 team for so long that their whole team left, killing the room. The most annoying thing is that the GMs are also doing this as well (Tony and Jordan). Kicking them sounds like the best option but it gets rejected most of the time since people are greedy for elo and exp and you cant kick staff from the room.

People also afk in game rooms, making team balancing a huge issue. A week ago there was a 24 garden room and it said that there were 12 players on each side, but once I went into the game it was an 12v7. I went back to the game room and none of them were in the inventory or shop.

Make the AFK timer way shorter so this wont be as big of an issue anymore and let us be able to kick staff members from these kinds of rooms, but let the staff be able to join back in once they are not afk anymore. Staff privilege jaja.

Ingame you should be kicked for being afk after 1 round, if it were based on a timer I would say two minutes. If you have to take a dump then you go to the game room and rejoin the game when you're back. Staying afk cuz you had to start working on your crochet blanket only screws your teammates over and skews the team balance.