Suggestion type: FGunZ

Extra Context:

When you use a single enhancement the particle effect is very colored but not oversaturated. Now that players can use 2 enhancements at the same time there is a lot more particles.

Suggestion description:

Reduce the particle density of the underlying enhancements by 25-50% while 2 enhancements are equipped if it is feasible to do so.

Reasons I have made the request:
-The ability to easily distinguish a "charged" up player who uses 2 enhancements is severely diminished
-The ability to easily distinguish the type of enhancements a player is wearing is severely diminished
-All "new" color combinations unlocked by enabling 2 enhancements contain much more white

Reasons to preserve existing behavior:
-As it stands, extra particles could serve as a "fair" warning to other players that you use 2 enhancements
-Sometimes it's cool to look charged up all the time (without having to store a massive)

Thanks for your consideration.

Feel free to add to the discussion!