In that case they can just join a training room or maybe make a Dojo glad room.

To see it from another perspective, imagine someone putting in the effort of making a stairway room and staying in there for 5 minutes playing by themself, chatting up clan members, whispering friends, if they want to join that room. When it gains a healthy population, this guy the creator hates show up. That guy just talks so much shit, and when put on /ignore they just aim the creator at every turn and taunt every time the creator dies. The room is practically soured for the room creator.

In both cases, both players are forced to play in rooms they didn't initially like. With the implementation of this suggestion then at the very least the guy who puts in effort gets to enjoy their own room.

Also, this would get rid of all the room tag suggestions. Well worth the sacrifice of a few people being banned from a room because they're hated by the room creator.