IGN of reported player: o__o


suspicious aim (aimbot) and using wallhacks to find players around corners

at 3:14 it's very noticeable as he instantly shoots at Gray the instant he spawns. Gray even calls him out afterwards.


0:05 Not concrete proof but found it a bit strange that he started to retreat back towards the corner as the enemy was just about to come around the other corner.

0:53 - He perfectly slash shots around the corner without ever being able to see the enemyfrom his viewpoint and instantly aims right at the guy

1:15 He sits and waits for the guy behind the hedge to move and happens to start strafing at the same time the enemy does.

2:05 he randomly looks up at the ceiling???

2:18 another perfectly lined up slash shot from around the corner

3:23 another perfectly lined SS around the corner?

37 not sure how he managed to land that last shot???

31 notice how his crosshair perfectly lines up with Papapen's dead body as he comes around the corner

3:55 i know these are tight quarters and all...but look how precise his crosshair is on PapaPen again as he does that final jump from behind the corner and his crosshair instantly is directed onto Papa.

44/5 notice the flick in aim as he slash dashes to pass the tower so he can shoot PapaPen as he runs into the doorway.

48 between the last two jumps he does before jumping around the corner

4:57 instantly shoots the guy with no reaction time

5:10 another perfectly locked on shot from around the corner.