Suggestion type: fgunzz

Smoke nades need to be revisited/revamped/buffed. They saw a "buff" back in 2020 where the delay was lowered so they would pop faster. That was nice, but, smoke nades still feel like the most underwhelming of all the nades. I love the fact that they finally deal actual damage...but it doesn't feel very consistent.

No one really uses smoke nades so I don't think the awareness is there.

As we all know, nades/explosives do NOT follow anti lead. So that means as I throw my smoke nade into a crowd of campers in Garden TDM at top/bottom stairs and I hear 20+ hitmarkers/ticks go off I think I'm doing TONS of damage but nope.... I look up at my damage counter.... 13 damage. Nice.

I don't know how to go about fixing this issue, or some possible workarounds, but I think something additional needs to be done with these nades to make them more viable than they are. Maybe make the smoke more concentrated in a certain area as when you throw them and the smoke is "popping", if the nade is still in motion, the smoke clouds follow the nade (which makes total sense) which further expands the smoke particles....but they don't expand the actually damage inflicting mechanism I believe. So yes, there's tons of smoke to cloud the players view...but they basically can just run right through and take 0-13 damage.

Maybe make adjustment to the damage so it continues to do damage until the smoke is fully gone? Because there's many times where I throw the smoke, the smoke is still "activated" but the enemy just walks right through with no hitmarkers/damage at all.

Maybe we can make smoke nades follow anti lead? Idk what the solution would be but I know that smoke nades need it desperately as they're the most unused nade in the game right now.