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  1. #1
    New Member

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    I get the "You do not have an even amount of event points." error. Which is quite unreasonable... Add a feature that converts the highest possible eps I am able to and keep 1 ep until I get another

  2. #2
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

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    Then purchase a VIP membership and have the privilege to convert 1 event point for 2 donation coins.

    I believe this suggestion was already suggested numerous times, and so far there's no change about it, hence this will most likely get declined as well.

    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

  3. #3
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    "Then purchase a VIP membership"... Easy for you to say. Maybe I am not as privileged and can't afford paying real money for coins right now? You know what, maybe I am a multi-billionaire who just don't want to buy it right now cuz its Saturday and I decided I don't spend money on odd days... Do you know my reasons? You don't even know me.
    To just tell me to buy 300 coins worth in usd just to solve a stupid issue is just out of context and irrelevant.
    Let me let you in on a secret -> There are those who can't and/or don't want to pay for coins.
    Paying real money shouldn't be the only option to solve issues.
    As for the issue itself being suggested multiple times, I don't find that odd at all. It is just illogical decision being driven by pay2win mindset. Am I at fault to have odd number of event points? I'll tell you what. From now on, lets give people with 0 event points 1 event point, and afterwards give them 2 points each time they win... Make it so that the ONLY option is to buy VIP.
    Anyways, I hope this one gets resolved quickly. If it'll get closed as the "other" threads about this issue then well... I know i'll attend events to get 1 more point and then won't attend any more events at all. Great motivation there!

  4. #4
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

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    Off-Topic: You shouldn't threaten with a sentence like "won't attend any more events at all" if your suggestion gets declined. You may suggest things but don't be salty if it gets declined for whatever reason.


    Honestly I don't see anything wrong with this suggestion, should definitely be a thing.

  5. #5
    Bio's Avatar Miscellaneous

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    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    Honestly I don't see anything wrong with this suggestion, should definitely be a thing.
    Agreed as Ben said. There is nothing wrong with the suggestion, You don't have to be offended because he told you to buy VIP.

    There are certain amounts of ways to gain coins IG, If you're struggling to get them, I can help you with that.

  6. #6
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    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    Off-Topic: You shouldn't threaten with a sentence like "won't attend any more events at all" if your suggestion gets declined. You may suggest things but don't be salty if it gets declined for whatever reason.


    Honestly I don't see anything wrong with this suggestion, should definitely be a thing.
    Originally Posted by Biomath View Post
    Agreed as Ben said. There is nothing wrong with the suggestion, You don't have to be offended because he told you to buy VIP.

    There are certain amounts of ways to gain coins IG, If you're struggling to get them, I can help you with that.
    Omma: Didn't intend to "threaten" anyone or anything. It is simply a matter of "I won't take part in this" that takes into account the fact that it was suggested multiple times and declined. If what TomasEdison said is indeed true, and there were multiple previous suggestions regarding this topic that were declined, I concluded that whatever reason goes behind it is irrelevant, as it is "forcing" me to play for 2 points at a time. As I see it, it ain't fair, and even more unfair that the only "valid solution" would be to get VIP (coins). Therefore I decided I won't participate in events any further. Also note that I stated that only as a response and not in the initial thread msg. You may agree with my thinking or disagree and it is fine. I will stick to my point of view on this matter. It is not as if I affect anyone but myself when I decide I ain't going to participate in any further events. Anyways thanks for your support and for sharing your opinion on the matter.

    Biomath: I was not offended. I was indeed a bit mad because it was so out of context and inconsiderate.
    As Marie Antoinette once said - 'If they have no bread, let them eat cake'. Kinda feels the same way in my opinion.
    Anyways the past is the past and I think I've made my point. And yeah i'd love to. Are you talking about questing?

  7. #7
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

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    Originally Posted by Hacktivator View Post
    Omma: Didn't intend to "threaten" anyone or anything. It is simply a matter of "I won't take part in this" that takes into account the fact that it was suggested multiple times and declined. If what TomasEdison said is indeed true, and there were multiple previous suggestions regarding this topic that were declined, I concluded that whatever reason goes behind it is irrelevant, as it is "forcing" me to play for 2 points at a time. As I see it, it ain't fair, and even more unfair that the only "valid solution" would be to get VIP (coins). Therefore I decided I won't participate in events any further. Also note that I stated that only as a response and not in the initial thread msg. You may agree with my thinking or disagree and it is fine. I will stick to my point of view on this matter. It is not as if I affect anyone but myself when I decide I ain't going to participate in any further events. Anyways thanks for your support and for sharing your opinion on the matter.

    Biomath: I was not offended. I was indeed a bit mad because it was so out of context and inconsiderate.
    As Marie Antoinette once said - 'If they have no bread, let them eat cake'. Kinda feels the same way in my opinion.
    Anyways the past is the past and I think I've made my point. And yeah i'd love to. Are you talking about questing?
    How the **** it’s unfair the way it is right now? Like literally, VIP membership must have some benefits and privileges. Instead of getting mad - realize it, just like many other players have done that all over the years.

    This suggestion may be ‘friendly’ for new players or those who don’t play/win events that much. Yet, however, VIP should have some worth benefits - not just the ability to join full rooms.

    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

  8. #8
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    Originally Posted by TomasEdison View Post
    How the **** it’s unfair the way it is right now? Like literally, VIP membership must have some benefits and privileges. Instead of getting mad - realize it, just like many other players have done that all over the years.

    This suggestion may be ‘friendly’ for new players or those who don’t play/win events that much. Yet, however, VIP should have some worth benefits - not just the ability to join full rooms.
    You confound benefits and errors into one.. To be able to join full rooms is a benefit, to be able to attend VIP only events with way better prizes is a benefit, to get 20% exp bonus (which makes it easier to reach lvl 99 and get more coins) is a benefit, to have an exclusive vip shop is a benefit, to have a 1:2 ratio on event points to coins IS A BENEFIT, to limit non vip ones from converting with a lower conversion rate only if they have even number of points is an error, not a "VIP benefit".
    And nope, I won't "realize" it, as it shouldn't be a limitation. It ain't logical, just an error on the dev size. The lower ratio itself is something that differs VIPs from "Regular" players, and I find it to be ok.
    And no, my suggestion ain't friendly, it is just right.

  9. The following 2 users say thank you to Hacktivator for this useful post:

    Jinsakai (02-07-2023), SunRui (01-29-2023)

  10. #9
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Originally Posted by Hacktivator View Post
    It ain't logical, just an error on the dev size. The lower ratio itself is something that differs VIPs from "Regular" players, and I find it to be ok.
    And no, my suggestion ain't friendly, it is just right.
    Inclined to agree. It has been something I've known to be such since I joined this forum in 2014, and has never changed since those 8 years. It doesn't really make sense, but at the same time, doesn't particularly harm anyone. It is a minor thing impacting in a minor way, because if you have an odd number of event points and cannot convert, either you can win more to convert or you just can't REALLY get a big amount of coins in the first place if making them even just once for the conversion by winning once is something that is incredibly hard to do. In no way do I support how it works right now, especially when changing it can be as easy as <10 lines of code, I just think its really "meh".

  11. #10
    JP's Avatar L e a d e r

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    Originally Posted by Hacktivator View Post
    Suggestion type:

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    I get the "You do not have an even amount of event points." error. Which is quite unreasonable... Add a feature that converts the highest possible eps I am able to and keep 1 ep until I get another

  12. The following 2 users say thank you to JP for this useful post:

    Amamin (02-06-2023), Jordan (02-07-2023)

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