Some few things I am bothered about or would like to see a change in.

1: Random garden TDM crashes.
I do not know why or how this happens, but sometimes the majority of people crash at the same time. Sometimes I am excluded from the crash, sometimes I am included in the crash, but when i log back in or check the lobby its only the garden room, the rest of the rooms are still alive.

2: Auto Balancing.
Sometimes the auto balance system is the one doing the most unbalancing. I dont know how the system balances the teams out, or if the people that are afk in game rooms count too, but sometimes it can ''balance'' the teams in a 9v13. The only thing I know is that the balance system doesnt count the people that just join in or have 0-0 scores?
Few examples here.

3: AFKers in game room.
There are some people that sit in the game room indefinitely. They take spots away from people that actually want to play the game and they can make the rooms unbalanced. They also leave behind dead rooms in the 1st page which can be pretty annoying too if you want to create a room.
Make the in game room timer ~3 minutes.

4: Flash bang sounds.
I have the volume mixer on 100 for fgunz, but I have the sound effect volume in game at around 4 and background volume completely off. But when I get flashed it seems that the sound volume in game gets cracked from 4 to 100 cause I get completely ear raped by them. I dont know if this is intentional or my settings are just weird but is it possible to change this?