Good luck Professor Sunrui. This wouldn't be the first time being suggested and it'll probably get little to no attention just like the other times. But I applaud you for your well thought out, beautifully presented and organized post.

FRT: I think the mine limit per player should also be included within tdm modes as well. That way it can remove the usage of running double mines which would get rid of the mine spam/camp my spawn strats (or at least dumb it down a bit) but it absolutley needs it within deathmatch modes.

Maybe for deathmatch once the player dies their mines are removed also, if your original suggestion isn't favored that is...

i think it's annoying when all these parts of the map are inaccessible due to one player having complete control over the map.
One? Every deathmatch has at least 3 people spamming mines. Maybe decrease the mines ammo capacity for deathmatch rooms? So instead of being able to run 5 mines x2 you can only run 3 mines x2. And then for TDMs keep the original 5/10 limit.

I agree that the main problem is people spamming them in doorways/super tight choke points, not the fact that players can throw so many out in deathmatches. It really kills off deathmatches quickly. Maybe rework the damage that mines deal and have it so that the closer a mine is to that same players other mines the less damage it does. That way it would discourage players to throw so many so close together.

Hopefully this issue gets taken more serious than it has in the past. No more "just make EX rooms hhhhhhh" responses.