IGN of reported player: Delaayed, Habanero

Reason: I literally have no interest in this guy but he seems to have the appeal in annoying others, my guy Delaayed keeps shamelessly force lagging and spiking, plus he doesn't try to fix the issue, he simply gets active and hostile towards others even with the presence of an ET in the room (which mind you, the ET kept asking him to fix his spikes).
As for Habanero, he kept talking shit to me and others then avoided death when push came to shove and I flipped him.

Proof/Evidence: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qy784...13-08.gzr/file
Here you can see Delaayed spiking throughout the replay and Habanero death avoiding at 8;25.

Another replay of my POV: https://www.mediafire.com/file/db8mm...24-29.gzr/file