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  1. #1
    Junior Member

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    Feb 2023
    Forgive me if this is the wrong section or should be broken into multiple threads, but I thought it best to compile these QOL fixes here. A couple might not necessarily be "bugs".

    Flash Nades
    There is currently a bug where staring directly at a flash nade (while standing close to it) results in barely being blinded

    Floating after Flip / Displacement
    This bug has been around for a while. Spamming slash shortly before landing from a flip or displacement (like mines) results in the character floating above the ground, essentially stunned.

    Inability to Spectate with HP
    This seems to be relatively new - if you die with HP, you cannot spectate.

    TNT Explosions not showing in Spectate Mode
    TNT explosions do not show after death or in spectate mode. Also, sometimes TNT countdown numbers do not show (such as in the water).

    More of a QOL suggestion - inability to equip an entire loadout should result in equipping as much of the loadout as possible. The current error message can stay the same. This way, if a sword cannot be equipped due to a level restriction, at least the rest of the loadout will be equipped.

    Massive Damage
    Currently, massive damage changes based on how far from the center of the massive the enemy is when hit. I'm not sure when this was changed, but I don't think it's intentional. Massive damage should be consistent, as it always used to be.

    Random Block Animations
    This is a relatively new bug where your character randomly blocks, usually at the start of a round or sometimes even during a fight. Seems to be more likely to occur if you hold block before k-styling. Perhaps the game somehow registers an old block button press a bit later? I'm not sure.

    SUSHI ROLLS aka Triangle Seaweed Meds
    For some reason these did not get the buff that other food meds in the bounty shop got. They only heal like 8hp/8ap, instead of 15/15. Please fix!!!! Would love to use these!

    Would love to get some feedback on these~
    Last edited by Armani; 03-05-2023 at 02:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member

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    Jun 2020
    Great suggestions. I think the block at the start of a round has something to do with typing and hitting enter while hitting another key, causing you to "press" that key after you've sent your message. Ive noticed this a lot, especially with blocking. And you have to repress block to stop blocking.

    I'd also like to see some changes with the flashed icon where as the icon will correlate with how flashed the enemy is. So 100 flash would be completely non transparent/larger icon, and as the flash fades away, so does the icon or the icon gets smaller as the flash fades away. That way you can tell how flashed the enemy is to let you know how hard you can push them.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

  3. #3
    Junior Member

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    Originally Posted by Desecration View Post
    Great suggestions. I think the block at the start of a round has something to do with typing and hitting enter while hitting another key, causing you to "press" that key after you've sent your message. Ive noticed this a lot, especially with blocking. And you have to repress block to stop blocking.
    Explains why it happens to me so much.... I thought it might be related to typing after holding shift but didn't want to expose myself

  4. #4
    Aroma's Avatar New Member

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    Block animation bug and hp when dead prevents spectating have both happened to me. Block one always happens in duels after I kill and chat or maybe in middle of moving... next spawn I get locked in block.

    HP One happens because i use classic meds I think, I don't know if it happens when using pills / vials.


  5. #5
    Faky's Avatar Stop Being Fake

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    Originally Posted by Desecration View Post
    Great suggestions. I think the block at the start of a round has something to do with typing and hitting enter while hitting another key, causing you to "press" that key after you've sent your message. Ive noticed this a lot, especially with blocking. And you have to repress block to stop blocking.

    I'd also like to see some changes with the flashed icon where as the icon will correlate with how flashed the enemy is. So 100 flash would be completely non transparent/larger icon, and as the flash fades away, so does the icon or the icon gets smaller as the flash fades away. That way you can tell how flashed the enemy is to let you know how hard you can push them.
    yes, some of flashbang feature improved such as sound(increased volume) and visibility. tested it on new update its working smooth.
    ye some of bug/glitch related to wall need to be fixed they're working on it. I guess new updates gonna release soon

    thanks armani for reminding us.. some of them already fixed and few need to be fixed.

    ~Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Signature

    "Dreams are short-time happiness"

    you can do 99 things for someone and all they'll remember is the one thing you didn't do

  6. #6
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    Regarding the "SUSHI ROLLS aka Triangle Seaweed Meds", it was already reported by Desecration on the Discord (in January), and it's has been fixed in the next update. See this link for more information (from our Discord).

    Credits to McSic.


  7. #7
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

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    Originally Posted by Armani View Post
    Massive Damage
    Currently, massive damage changes based on how far from the center of the massive the enemy is when hit
    Which is how it's supposed to be.

    Originally Posted by Armani View Post
    I'm not sure when this was changed, but I don't think it's intentional. Massive damage should be consistent, as it always used to be.
    Our massives work exactly how they did in vanilla gunz, with their damage scaling linearly depending on distance. I think you might be confusing this with a private server that has changed their damage to be static?

    -> Static damage would not be vanilla.

    (There was a short time last year where RS caused massives to deal consistent 15 damage, which wasn't done intentionally and fixed a few days later, see and

  8. #8
    Junior Member

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    Originally Posted by McSic View Post
    Our massives work exactly how they did in vanilla gunz, with their damage scaling linearly depending on distance. I think you might be confusing this with a private server that has changed their damage to be static?
    Edit: Oh wow that's crazy. Looks like it does vary a bit in old glad fights on youtube! I don't remember it ever being mentioned or taught in oldschool glad days though. Maybe most of us back in the day just assumed it was double damage since we didn't look at the exact damage numbers.
    Last edited by Armani; 03-09-2023 at 10:45 PM.

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