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  1. #1
    Junior Member

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    Jun 2020
    TL : DR : make smoke nades deal direct HP over dealing AP damage and find a balance between visual distortion of smoke nades while not compromising fps issues for certain players

    I know I made a thread on smoke nade changes that Dave has accepted and approved. (More damage, a slow effect, and faster activation)

    That thread was made before I noticed that the damage that smoke nades deal was switched within an update. It used to be that smoke nades dealt direct damage to HP regardless of AP. But it seems that that has changed to dealing damage to AP firsr before hp. I would like to see the damage reverted back to HP directly. Why? Because even with using all 6 smoke nades on one player (who is stationary) only brings the player down to high yellow hp.

    Now I know smoke nades are used more for the visual distorion and advantage so im not trying to suggest to make smoke nades deal massive amounts of damage to the point that they're more preferred over explosive nades.... But I think having them deal direct HP over AP is a great advantage because it'll force the enemy to run away quicker to avoid dying quickly to the smoke. Where as when it deals to AP a player can sit in the smoke for the entirety of the pop and still have AP left over.

    Now I also know that Dave has agreed to increase the damage, so maybe the damage increase will balance out well enough to the point that the smoke nade doesn't need to deal direct HP damage. But as stated by Faky, the smoke radius has been nerfed to deal with fps issues between players, which is totally understandable. But nerfing the radius combined with it dealing AP damage first, I think, is a huge nerf that brings the nade back to being almost useless again?

    As stated by Faky within a debate between the two of us,:

    "Last patch was nerfing smoke nades to fix crashes and fps drop issues lol. did you remember 5-10crashes in 1hr games? Lots of PPL complains about it"


    "In the last patch, crashes fixed when they nerfed smoke radius and exploding delay."

    While I dont disagree with smoke nades causing crashing issues... I dont think they were the main culprit. Especially since smoke nades dont see much use to begin with. Ive played in more rooms that crashed without the use of smoke nades than i have crashed in rooms with people using smoke nades. I feel like a lot of the crashing has to do with just items in general (molotovs, flash, mine, nades) combined with players leaving at the right moments. So I dont think putting a lot of the blame on smoke nades (and nerfing them) is the way to go.

    I'd like to think theres a way to balance the smoke effect/particles to reduce the fps issues with some players, while still making them viable (distorting enemy vision to use to your advantage) and hope that a perfect balance can be achieved to encourage players to use smoke nades more (in a tacticful way...not to just troll) instead of having them nearly forgotten about.
    Last edited by Desecration; 03-05-2023 at 07:25 PM.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

  2. #2
    Junior Member

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    Feb 2023
    This thread is wayyyy too long, but +1 make smoke nades deal HP damage, slightly buff damage, and reduce activation time.

    Hopefully in the future they can optimize smoke nades to affect FPS less.

  3. #3
    Faky's Avatar Stop Being Fake

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    Jul 2014
    ye smoke nades are one of the reason for fps drops and crashes due to memory leakage( I dont know about it but one of our dev explained it I didnt understand whole theory but it's something do with memory occupation I am not sure) pop up/exploding delay is already faster than its original, you can refer your last smoke nade suggestion thread bunny explained it and how it impacting in events as well. if i am not wrong players had chance to choose/vote "which one (hp or ap) to reduce first" clearly players voted ap i cant find the thread or the poll maybe JP knows it he's the one who came up with the poll i guess or its just my assumption.

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  4. #4
    Junior Member

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    Feb 2023
    I feel like they should just make it damage-over-time poison to simulate lung/smoke damage. That would fix their damage output and give them more of a unique identity. It would probably need to stack a bit to discourage people standing in the smoke for cover though.

  5. #5
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    May 2013
    Moved to Have Been Added, due to the latest update. Now, "Smoke poison damage now goes straight to HP", for a full list of changes see the update thread.


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