Thanks for being the one to start the topic. I've been voicing my frustration inside the chat for some time now. When sticky nades were first added it was pretty enjoyable. No one really had the idea to suicide bomb. They were more focused on sticking enemies and walls for suprise explosions. Correct me if im wrong but I also think that you didn't have the ability to stick yourself at first release? Idk.

But now it's become worse than molotov spam. Every garden room has at least 3 suicide bombers actively playing. The only current counter to them really is just stun nades and spray weapons while keeping distance (not going basement for obvious reasons).

My solution would be to shift focus from sticking yourself to sticming enemies again. We could try adding effects to sticky nades:

-stick yourself/team causes a reduction in movement speed. Maybe 5% per nade? That way when the speed vials are used it'll basically bring them up to normal speed. The only issue with this would be trolls sticking team mates to intentionally lower their movement speed. Not sure what a workaround would be off the top of my head.

- sticking enemies would cause them to flinch and/or also see a reduction in movement speed. Similar to being slashed, the player would flinch after being stuck with a nade. This would work well when hiding behind a corner as you spot an enemy rushing down the hall after you. Toss one or two stickies and they're already needing to rethink their tactics. But too late because they're slowed down to a snails pace and get melted by the rest of the enemy team, and don't forget about the 160 damage upon detonation.

This is the only solution I can think of without removing the ability to stick each other and yourself.

Or just allow each player to hold one or two sticky nades to theirselves and the same limit for team mates.

- - - Updated - - -

Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
McSic If you reading this then at the very least make it so that if you throw sticky nades at the enemy it explodes immediately. I've seen people having friends on the opposite team so that they could throw sticky nades at them so that they then could run to one of their allies and tell their friend on the opposite team to make them explode, there is no way to defend yourself against it if your ally are carrying it for enemy.
This is a great point to bring up. Teaming up while on opposite teams is already a huge issue to begin with between clan mates and just buddies in general.

However, with your suggestion (although I agree with it as a means to negate this toxicity stray) is basically turning sticky nades into another blast/impact nade.