While airplay has been accepted I just think it provides an unfair advantage. You as the defenders already have the upper hand with hiding behind walls and having higher ground. Airplay just makes it that much harder for the attackers to shoot you without being shot first. And then there's the players who abuse airplay and extend all the way to the attacker's corners.

Especially when the defenders have more players alive than attackers, airplay in this instance simply becomes an annoyance. The attackers can't even peek around the corners without being harassed by the one or two airplayers combined with the 2 or 3 players camping top crack waiting to shoot.

Why not just throw an invisible wall in front of the cracked floor for the defenders. This will keep new players from mistakenly cheating and keep the airplay abuse to a minimum.

Honestly we should think about trying A&D on a different map all together, a map that might fit the mode a little better.