Originally Posted by McSic View Post
Added in next update:

RPG Mod has been rebalanced to make it more fair:

- You can now upgrade each skill to Lv. 20 (MAX) to reach the same strength as what was previously Lv. 10 (MAX)
- To max all skills you need to reach 200 kills

- Vampire effect strength has been decreased
- Reload Speed effect strength has been decreased

These changes also affect Survival mode. You can upgrade skills to Lv. 20 (MAX), but the strength of the skills have not been weakened here (except for Vampire), which means that skills now have double the effect strength at Lv. 20 (MAX) compared to the old Lv. 10 (MAX). This means that you can now further customize how you want to play Survival, by focusing on maxing specific skills and ultimately being stronger in that field.
Moved to Have Been Added, due to the latest update. See the RPG Changes section for a full list of changes to RPG Mode.