Hey Freestylers,
Originally introduced just over 4 years ago, the activity points system has given players a new way to get coins, lucky boxes, cosmetic boxes and more.
However, one thing was missing from it that has been long wanted by many players: the ability to choose when the reset happens so you can comfortably play your own hours. It has always been based on one time zone: Amsterdam.
Today we are introducing the ability to pick 4 different zones for when the reset happens.
Zone 0 (default) = 00:00 Amsterdam time
Zone 1 (+6 hours) = 06:00 Amsterdam time
Zone 2 (+12 hours) = 12:00 Amsterdam time
Zone 3 (+18 hours) = 18:00 Amsterdam time
The current time in Amsterdam can be seen here. You can also Google "my time vs Amsterdam time" to see the difference in order to pick which zone is ideal for you.
A few examples of what zone might be ideal for you:
Amsterdam 06:00 = New York, USA, 00:00, so someone living in New York might want to choose zone 1.
Amsterdam 12:00 = Hawaii, USA, 00:00, so someone living in Hawaii might want to choose zone 2.
Amsterdam 18:00 = Sydney, Australia, 02:00, so someone living in Australia might want to choose zone 3.
Amsterdam 18:00 = Philippines 00:00, so someone living in Philippines might want to choose zone 3.
You can change your zone here after logging in on the website. You can do this once every 30 days and upon changing the zone you will be given a free activity point for the next reset just in case you are close to that reset.
FreestylersWorld Staff
Note: we have tested the new system but bugs may exist. If there is a bug and people were to lose their activity points rest assured we can give them back.