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  1. #1
    Menotso's Avatar This is exhilarating!

    Join Date
    Dec 2022
    Suggestion type: Animations and Commands

    Suggestion description: Not depending too much of exclusive staff commands to make more interactions.

    Note: I do have in mind if anything being approved, means it's low priority.

    Try to make training mode as a place to people chill in. Here are some ideas to be implemented:

    1. Customizable sets of animations such as:
    1.1. Dancing item stores (enchant slots) or bindable set of animations like we already have;
    1.2. Item stores that when equipped add a specific visual effect ingame;
    1.3. Normal animations like sitting, drinking, eating, gesticulating, meditating, laying down, trading items, workout training, katana training, giving a flower/present, receiving gifts, boxing, posing to pictures and more animated emotions (scared, happy etc) with sounds if possible to attach it;
    1.4. A weapon (gun or katana) that changes other player outfit ingame like "/bot spawn 1 y" does spawning a bot with random clothes;
    1.5. Allow players to mimic each others like bots do;
    1.6. Allow more players to do quests, automatically changes the quest difficulty and maybe mob quantity (not mentioning anything about exp or loots, just the fact of letting more people interact);

    2. Commands and Stuff:
    2.1. Make useful the gameplay time since account creation of each player, showing it in training room as a ranking, higher ranks means you have a lot of hours playing FG;

    2.2. Let people use certain commands that ET, GM have permission, in specific training rooms (maybe by using tags) to make player to player events, such as "/tp all", "/kill all". Or just make conditions to start using it, like: 800/1200/4000 hours of gameplay in the same character.

    2.2. Allow players to teleport each other in training mode, adding a whitelist of who is allowed to tp you in a command "/tp whitelist playername"

    2.3. Let Staff compliment players using a command with 1 week/month delay as a kind way to register player story in the server;

    2.4. Add pet items in store as bots with mob skins (in enchantment slots);

    I believe in a sustainable community that produces its own contents and interactions instead of only depending on staffs to do it. Take it in consideration.

  2. #2
    SunRui's Avatar sun rui

    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Originally Posted by Menotso View Post
    Suggestion type: Animations and Commands

    Suggestion description: Not depending too much of exclusive staff commands to make more interactions.

    1.6. Allow more players to do quests, automatically changes the quest difficulty and maybe mob quantity (not mentioning anything about exp or loots, just the fact of letting more people interact);

    2.2. Allow players to teleport each other in training mode, adding a whitelist of who is allowed to tp you in a command "/tp whitelist playername"
    i really only like these.

    Originally Posted by Menotso View Post
    I believe in a sustainable community that produces its own contents and interactions instead of only depending on staffs to do it. Take it in consideration.
    agree, resources/tutorials for gunz development/making custom items etc. are scarce and very hard to get into unless theres help. i've tried to get into it but it's very difficult lol, and hard to come by helpful resources from what ive searched. gave ragezone a look but couldn't find anything very useful or hard to understand because of language barriers


  3. The following user said thank you to SunRui for this useful post:

    Menotso (05-06-2023)

  4. #3
    New Member

    Join Date
    May 2023
    Yes we can do this

  5. #4
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Moved to Declined, per request of Menotso.


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