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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hey so the last few weeks I have been more worried about the cw scene. Namely that, 80% of the players cwing are accusing each other of hacking and it is getting worse by the week.

    You would think they will report the person they are accusing of for hacking, but they are not.
    The main reason is because they dont think the current staff is able to detect players, so they dont bother. (Ask them if you dont believe this).

    I am worried that the cw might be dying soon, since no one wants to play against hackers in cw, but they are not doing anything about it (partially their own fault for not trying of course).

    I would like to have a system that can tell whether one is hacking or not, if its even possible.
    If you already have it, please update it, renew or change it.

    This is not really my own request, but I kinda want the other people that are cwing to be less focused on accusing people of hacking and more focused on playing. Also to shut them up for a while.

    Obviously they should report and say things themselves, but they lost faith in the staff being able to detect them.
    Of course their accusations does not mean they are 100% correct, their accusations can also be wrong.

    But having something like this might give them a peace of mind.

    I apologize in advance if this might come of as rude towards the staff members.

  2. The following 4 users say thank you to Shang for this useful post:

    Cyruš (05-13-2023), Halcyon (05-13-2023), SunRui (05-13-2023), Tzunami best0 (05-13-2023)

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