Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
We're open to feedback and questions, We always take everything everyone says into consideration, I never stated that High ELO players were subjected to being hackers but merely they are the ones who usually have a deeper understanding of the game mechanically.(These users would be Pain and Bunny)

And im not saying youre reporting hackers now cause yall arent and thats the biggest argument im trying to convey. You guys are chasing after hackers but arent sharing the evidence to support theyre hacking. Ive said it a bunch of times if theres more evidence theirs more chances it that you see irregularities.

Said in the last 3 posts

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one of the players you mentioned is known to hack by the majority of competitive players, and even Korean players avoid playing against them for that reason. And now, the cheater has made it even harder to report them by using shotguns that do 11-10 damage and having similar names to their non-hacking counterpart. This seems to be a contingency plan to make it difficult to distinguish between the two after the initial report.

Do players have to do the reporting for GMs to take action, or can GMs take action on their own?

Also, while it's important for players to report suspicious behavior, GMs should also be actively monitoring the game and taking action when they see something suspicious. However, there is a lack of confidence in GMs' ability to recognize the difference between skilled players and hackers, as they may not be competitive enough to have a deep understanding of the game mechanics, respectfully.