Dude, back peddling = camp. Most players don't know that this is broken because you can run to cover and by just using RS you get most pbs as you're mostly focusing to aim, but players like this guy abuse this, he was back peddling starting each round until he finished spamming and knew I was going to reload to finally push, but as you can see, everytime he actually pushed, he got 4 shotted.

Also, people are saying that I was wall shotting? LOL he was wall shooting too, and wall shooting has never been camping, it's not even something banned from tournaments, I was always at mid, when he was beyond the car from mid starting all rounds.

Anyway, like I said I told you I'd submit all those clips. Here you go:


Clearly shows who's the best. And I have never said that I am the best in gunz, but I am definitely better than this camper. Hell, I wasn't even dash breaking in that 1v1 yet it's still a draw. No full try yet still a really dumb score that it's funny to even look at lol