I think the numbers being thrown around here are blown way out of proportion, but there definitely needs some more "official" engagement for the tournament. In addition to earlier suggestions like official accounts on twitch/Youtube/tiktok etc and mass e-mails, maybe some type of trailer for it and small "FGunZ 2v2 Summer Tournament sign-ups are open!" banners on fgunz.net/the forums/discord/the launcher/in-game could also be done. Smaller servers have done more with less. Even just a thread to have a conversation about it would be great, imo restricting the announcement post just be for sign-ups is a waste. Why not let anyone post anything on-topic there? Just to have a hub for people to recruit a teammate if they don't have a partner or for spectators to express their hype for the event or for participants to talk trash. It can't possibly be that hard to sift through forum posts to find sign-ups, and if it does, it's better to use Google Forms for that type of thing anyway.

I don't mean to tell the staff how they should run their event but I think a tiny bit more effort can be put into it beyond just periodical server-wide announcements. I remember last year's 1v1 tournament, the most I got out of it was Tom streaming the final Aurelia vs Bart. He doesn't usually stream so he still wasn't used to it and the quality didn't come out great which was a shame because it was a great match.

Bet SunRui could make a dank 1-minute trailer using select replays from previous tourneys