Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
If such an automatic system is going to be added its almost guaranteed to be the version with shortcuts, since you cannot take onto account every shortcut on every map with checkpoints.

Though this is something Ive been thinking about very recently actually. Its a good way to keep competition high on a mode where skillmaps are kind of timeless. If such a thing was added to the weekly competition for much lower coin reward, say 5-10 coins per map where rank 1 of each map every week gets the rewards, we could have an ongoing competition that keeps only active players at the top because you'd have to keep playing in order to not fall off speed wise if you tried the same map with a 2 year gap. A good example of this is the fact that while I hold many of the records, I don't remember how I did most of the maps and my ultradashing is for sure not on the level that it was when the activity with the mode was still high.

The only problem i can see with such a reward system is that its easy to avoid confrontation by doing an unplayed map. Having someone that will confront your time with all 39 possible maps would not likely be common. Maybe we can do the weeklies on 4 randomly selected maps every week. Sounds like a lot of coding but could be worth it and fun for players ^^
Yeah ive tryed to brainstorm just quick with things like no nade and checkpoints. that would make the player at least do the most parts of the maps. If you check Videos on Youtube made by Skillmappers they mostly Skip little parts but not really big parts. for example you could easily dash from the beginning of skillmapv3 to the end just by dashing with mouse wheel or macro etc. IF it really would be added there has to be alot of coding and thinking especially of how you are able to bypass those rules and how to make people actually beat the map the "intended" way.

adding an actual reward like coins or maybe a lucky box would be also awesome so maybe we could revive the long dead skillmapping community.

Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
Maybe we can do the weeklies on 4 randomly selected maps every week. Sounds like a lot of coding but could be worth it and fun for players ^^
^ this actually is a pretty interesting point. something like Quest of the day just like Skillmap of the week or something, give it a lil reward and people actually have a reason to invest time in it...

adding something like that would make the whole suggestion even be more than an own fgunz thing instead of something most people would just call stolen from other servers ;G