Originally Posted by Armani View Post
I remember your suggestion from like a year ago. It’s been long overdue.

I think the flag dropping will make the game mode more appealing. I think most players, such as myself, just find the mode frustrating and pointless because of how difficult it can be to score points/capture the flag. Feels like the game will never end, so some people, like myself, just go for kills instead lol
I agree that it would make it more appealing. I think the thing with the mode is to treat it as a map rotation map. So instead of 10 flags (like a lot of hosts like to set it at) set it low to 3-6 flags. Also put a time limit cap (I like 30 minutes). So if you cant cap enough flags then time will eventually run out.

It does become frustrating when you get base camped. But I think that's what actually makes the game mode somewhat fun. The thrill of pushing the enemy back! Reminds me a lot of domination from Modern Warfare 2 lmao