Something about the users of FreeStylersworld since the new host.

Our top 5 visitors by country:
1) United States _ 737740 Hits
2) The Netherlands _ 464665 Hits
3) Germany - 237873 Hits
4) Great Britain - 163692 Hits
5) Belgium - 152355 Hits

- ftwxxx visited the most pages

- Average visit duration is 1196 seconds

- Operating systems:
-) 95.8% use Windows
-) 1.9% use a Mobile OS
-) 1.1% use Ubuntu
-) 1% use Macintosh
-) the other % use an unknown OS

of the 95.8% Windows users they use the version:
-) 40.8% use Windows XP
-) 34.9% use Windows 2008
-) 20% use Windows Vista & Windows 7

- Browsers:
-) 60.9% use Firefox
-) 15.7% use Google Chrome
-) 13.2% use MS Internet Explorer
-) 4.5% use Opera
-) 3.1% use Safari
-) 2.3% use Mozilla

of the 60.9% Firefox users they use the version:
-) 0.3% use an up-to-date version (4.0)
-) 48% use version 3.6.8
-) 4.4% use version 3.5.11
-) 3.8% use version 3.5.3
-) 3.2% use version 3.0.19 (wtf update your browser for god sake LOL)

of the 13.2% IE users they use the version:
-) 10.3% use 8.0
-) 2.6% use 7.0
-) 0.2% use 6.0
And the most shocking: someone even visited the forum with version 2.0!

- Referall:
-) About 90% came to the forums by
-) 5% by
-) the rest by other gunz servers, mailboxes and EVEN PORNSITES. (Yeah I can see it all )

A few people failed by typing in 'freestylerswordl' or 'freestylersworl' or 'fgunz fourm' to get the forum link on Google.