"Hold up for just a sec. Imma let you finish... It's cool and all that ya'll got yall clans but.... AZURE WAS THE BEST CLAN ON ALL TIME!!!" v1 FOREVER. WE HAD AYUMI DAICHI AND [A]sian, WE HAD RUI KENSHIN, the server was 200+ strong. WE HAD ORGANIZED CLAN WARS WITHOUT CLAN WAR AND KEPT IT MOVING. WE HAD CUSTOM MAPS, INCLUDING ONES I BUILT EXCLUSIVLY FOR MY CLAN. WE HAD BEAST ITEMS, MUSIC, RADIO. The p servers dont even produce original content anymore. None deviate from the original weapons and items that the ones currently already have. Getting lame. Guys should start up a crew just for custom maps, weapons, and clothing, and patch that mofo so ppl dont steal. Dont know where I'm going with this BUT... AZURE WAS THE BEST CLAN OF ALL TIME....