I told Dave I would either resign at the next GM Applications or when the new client releases, whichever would come first.

And GM Apps are here now. =)

Basically, these are the reasons I'm resigning.

  • Gunz is boring for me. Don't like the game anymore. (Note, not FGunZ, but GunZ)
  • My grandfather is currently in critical condition in the hospital. We don't know how much longer he has to live, but we do know that we spend all the time we can with him.
  • Work, school, girlfriend. Some before-heard reasons, but well, they do count :>

Anyways, I'm definitely not leaving. I'll still be on the forums daily, and you'll still spot me ingame, just on very little occasions.
I had fun being a GM here, for sure! I still love the community, despite all the ups and downs I've encountered! It WAS my first time being a GM on a GunZ server, I enjoyed the heck of it. I know some will be happy with me resigning, to those I have but one thing to say; Your wish is finally granted
Some won't be happy but hey! Everyone comes and goes. Go take a shot at GM Apps yourself!

I'm not going to do personal thanks, that list would be way too long, and since I'm not leaving I'm closing it with this final sentence.

I have just one more thing to say.. That is to Hype and Aion. You should think about what I told you guys! Just sayin' .

Oh, and if someone could make my name pink, remove my powers etc.. I'll delete all my admin weapons later. would be appreciated. =]

Thanks for all the good times, Bakpao out!