It is such a pain in the ass seeing people abusing where ever they can.
And the worst is, the Staff actually ignores it, the Staff shouldn't get blinded by words, they should follow the T.O.S, and it's facts!
I don't give a damn if he's GM, he should be treaten like everyone else, besides that, shouldn't Staff be a paragon for the Community, it dissapoints me.
In the replay, which I post below, you can see for a 100% Reet_po UC'ing, it's actually NOT spiking.
Dominik posted it for me, but under the pressure by other people to withdraw it, he actually did, but I'm not as indulgent as Dominik, Shui a.ka Reet_po must take consequences, for what he has done. For me it shows what giant lack he got in discipline, respect, and being GM. I hope the Staff will take action, in what their Companions do.


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