We are always looking!
Sounds interesting? You can use the following format to apply for a developer or coder position.
General Information
- If you don't give us the information straight away that we are looking for, such as your name, examples of work, date of birth, or any of the other fields, expect an auto-decline.
- Do not copy and paste things from the internet and claiming them as your own. We can, and will, do background checks on all submitted content. If it isn't yours, expect to be rejected. If it's a link to another medium like BlenderShare, Pinterest, YouTube, or RaGEZONE, make sure it has your name on it and make sure you can provide proof. Again, failure to do this will result in rejection.
- Tell us a bit about yourself. Not just, "im tommy, im 33 and i like turtles", that doesn't tell us much. Tell us your history with GunZ, or other development, and make sure what you are telling us is accurate. If we ask you to elaborate, make damn sure you are elaborating in the right way. If you have to question what the aforementioned statement means, you probably shouldn't be applying.
- Lastly, stay in constant communication with us. If you don't, you will likely be rejected for the sake of reliability. We're pretty laid back about deadlines once accepted, but if you aren't making an effort to get accepted, do not expect to be accepted to the team.
Core Requirements
- You are currently not staff at any other GunZ server.
- You know how to work with at least 1 programming language -or- GFX/animation tool which GunZ makes use of.
- You have talent and skills to create unique things, we are not interested in people who just started with programming or graphics/animation related stuff. You must have something of high quality to show us.
In-Game Name / Discord Name:
Languages (Programming and/or other):
Skills / Experience:
Proof of work:
Is all proof of work your own work?