I just wanted to know your personal thoughts about this. heres mine:

2012 prediction is bullshit, everyone is scared because they think they're gonna die, well its not true, there are 3 main reasons why people think that it's going to happen. 1) the mayan callander ends. Well, the only reason the mayan calender ended is because its the beginning of a new cycle. The sun will align with the center of the milky way galaxy and Dec 21 will be the longest day, not because the world will end. the second reason people think the world will end is because nostradamus "prophicised" that dec, 21 2012 is doomsday. many believed nostradamus to be a prophit. this is also false. God says in the bible, i dont know the exact quote, but he says that you can tell false prophets from true prophets because true prohphets will talk about good things, how god is good and that you must do good in life to go to heaven, that a real prophet will talk about the bible and the good news, nostradamus doesnt, infact he talks about only bad things, bad predictions. 90 % of nostradamus' predictions didnt even come true, therefore if he was a prophet nothing would have been wrong. God also says that in the end , no one will be scared, or in other words you will have ABSOLUTLY NO IDEA the world is going to end, nostradamus' predicitions contredict that. the 3rd reason why people thing the world is going to end is because all the planets are suppost to aline as i said before, causing HUGE pressure and crushing us, or causeing the world to do twists and turns messing up everything and all the allignment and all that scientific bullshit. so dont worry about it because it wont happen, research if you want , everyone says the same thing, and the people who say the world WILL end, are complete mongoloids ( the nice way of saying retard) And if you arnt christain or dont believe in religion. Techinacally, there is MANY MANY different callenders saying different years, it's actually about 2020 reight now.