
Simply put, to enjoy our time in game. Anyone is welcome, regardless of level or skill.


1.) Be respectful to other members and other players, anyone caught not doing this will be kicked immediately.
2.) Absolutely no hacking, if you are caught hacking you will be reported and kicked from the clan.
3.) Clan war is restricted to myself, admins, and high KD, if an admin or I tell you not to clan war, you don't clan war, no ifs, ands or buts.
Follow those three rules and we can all get along fine =)

About the leader:

My IGN is Masqurin, I love gaming, and my favorite series is of course shining force. I personally probably won't clan war, because I don't really like it, but you are welcome to if you meet the requirement. I'm pretty new to this server but I have played gunz for years on the official servers (JGunz, KGunz, IGunz, and Ijjigunz). My favorite thing to do outside of gaming is play tennis, I have been a part of the Australian Open one time, although i didn't win or anything, that is an experience I will never forget.