Originally Posted by Teresa View Post

Koreans Dont even know how to Lead... eu knows how to lead,So if you go to Kgunz and you lead all the baddies you win they probably say in korean hacker etc etc cuz they srsly dont know what the fk lead is.

Eu can aim and lead so that makes eu win obv.

GG korea.
1. KGunz is played ONLY in Korea.
a.No excuses like distance lag.
b.Their internet system is so much faster than the Western world. Ping is 1-10.
2.EU is bunch of countries.
a.Therefore, Lag and Distance lag.

If I'm not correct , correct me please, but this server has many EUs and they tend to say "If there was AntiLead , I would dropt u". Yeah Okay.
KGunz Player built to hit 10/10 or EU who knows lead but thinks they know 10/10 hits?