Originally Posted by darkestgunner View Post
Aznthunder, my cock rocket is being restrained by my chastity belt, it is so powerful that it can only be unleashed in exceptional circumstances, which has not yet been seen. Some say that when it's about to be activated, the doomsday clock will change to 12pm in a second and then fail, and that all muslims will complete their pilgrimage to mecca even if they have no arms or legs.

Miranda, even though you might be a girl thats a boy irl, I like your idea about the cars. I think we should also have tanks as then you could easily defeat the thunder goblin thingy and the lich bitch. However, I disagree with your fgunz baby idea because if that happened there would be just too many man, too many man.
lOl marry me please... I'm officialy on your **** now and i wont hop off