hey guys its Phailed ere

Id like to say hello to the community and 50+ players, I joined today at around 5Oclock and it was awesome, So i ran to the shop and donated! I bought donor shotguns donor revolver and donor sword along with a coloured name! This is pretty awesome im lvl 40 thanks to the donor crap

Ive met a gm Rash, Ive had contact With dave ( Super_Waffles ) And ive checked the list of modz. I love this server, Ive joked around with the players,

Im planning to make a clan named DEFINE Which will be lvl 30+ Donaters! And now im ganna go but be active Siya.

Yours sincerely, Kaz (Aka: Phailed)

BE sure to check my signature

Now ill have to say :lock: Jokes siya