Hi guys.
Today I wanna talk bout names.
When I came to fgunz in 2007 I were guessing of ign. Wanted to make something special, something that no1 has. So I started picking them letters and compiling them into 1 word. After each thinking I were googling the word and if there any match- I started guessing a new one. Then I made Tsenkeo, googled it- nothing about it. Started playing with this ign. then made facebook account, youtube, started playing everywhere with this ign, made [email protected], skype, msn, etc. Tsenkeo is never taken anywhere, never saw any1 with same name.
Today a random guy -Jzenemy comes up and says that he is Tsenkeo for like 7-8 years. LOLWUT? he says that ima wannabe and copying him. lmao.
I ask you old guys to tell, who is the real tsenkeo. duh. especially ma homie mcsic.