Screw all the top games, let's discuss some shitty games.

I just bought a new game pc and since my freaking wifi stick drops dead whenever i start streaming or play a game I downloaded some offline games, I started out with 'dishonored' made by bethesda.
me being a huge bethesda fanboii i really loved the game at first, even though in the beginning they made it very clear that If i hack and slash through the game too much I would get rather dark and sinister ending.... they were freaking right.
you're a bodyguard of the emperess of dunwell in the era of the rat plague, she gets assassinated and her daughter emily gets abducted, you get blamed for it and get sent out for execution ( Hence the name, "dishonored" )
you escape prison and join the loyalists to set things right, now every decision you make affects the ending, you can either be a goodguy or the badguy or a mix? not sure. ah well, I thought i was going for the good guy but since i killed too many guards i ended up being a chaos bringing bad guy, all my friends betray me, I have to slaughter them and the freaking daughter i had to save and did SO MANY FREAKING MISSIONS FOR ends up dying because she falls off a lighttower gg bethesda, you completely trolled me and I now officially hate that game even though it's my own fault.

what are your opinions on shitgames?