Originally Posted by ekelon View Post
I left because you did the same to Recluse when it was 5-4 in a 30 round match going around saying you won...and the fact that all you did against both of us was peddle and acted like an egoish asshole when we didn't do anything to you. As for your apology, not accepted. ****.
yea right buddy, i joined the game a FREE FOR ALL glad match, and started to have some fun, then your buddy recluse there decides to start running his mouth at me calling me a noob for not bowing, i was like wdf man? then he wouldnt shut up he kept talking and talkin to me harrassing me, untill finally he said lets 1v1, and we did i was jsut playing around with the guy first couple times then stepped it up a bit and it was to much for him to handle so i left.

Hustle using takami's forum name!!!!!!!!!