So basically as you all know, i haven't been as active as before, mainly because i find no reason to play gunz that has no good rooms. I dont know who invented the zombies, which brought a trillion brazillians to the server.

Another thing is [DMG3] mod, added as if donors werent broken enough. All the decent players left because of these reasons, broken and just simply boring now that theres no legit TDM's.

Another thing i find is that GM's don't do their jobs again, many of the Mods just chill and do nothing, while people in rooms are unlegit and forcelagging br's.

I just find that the new recruitments of GM's and Mods are do not meet the requirements of doing what they're supposed to do, and they act like normal players.

Now im debating if i should quit or stay. Please contribute to my decision. Thanks.