Originally Posted by Gracefull View Post
I apologize and am aware of all of these flaws(Except the Desks, they're fine and are turned on their sides), I made this about 2 years ago and was finally able to light map it, future releases won't be so shotty but I just really wanted to get it out there once I figured the lighting out because of the popularity of my Elementary Map, which in my opinion was alot worse when it comes to scaling and texture proportion. As for the bricks inside, that's how my High School was modeled and I actually made the textures to scale from my old High School. Both rooms are in fact open, and the objects in the hallways do not get in the way of gameplay. I expect my map to be another Infected map anyways so we'll see where it goes. Also, my map is circular there isnt only 1 route to walk. Before you review my maps, please play them because clearly you havn't. Appreciate the feedback none-the-less. You'll be seeing better from me in the future.
I meant both doors to be open. Maybe your highschool was made that way, but I'm pretty sure they don't make these kinda bricks this big nowadays. Besides the fact that its pretty rough, so also dangerous for inside a school, it just looks unnatural

I'm not going to argue with you, and yeah maybe it'll be a good infected map. However, the scaling and the level design isn't that good, that is my opinion but I'm pretty sure there is lots of room for improvement.