Hello Freestylers! It's time for another GFX Event!
I based this event of Brisk's event, It was really a good event and alot of people liked it so all credits of this event go to him.
So in this event, you must create a signature/logo/piece of work using whatever skills you have.
The request that you must follow is as following
Text: Freestyle GunZ / FGunZ
Subtext(optional): Freestyler's World

You can't double post.
You can't go off-topic.
You can't use anything related to another server.
Use the ''edit'' option if you would like to change your picture, don't make another post.
You must follow the format, though the use of subtext is optional.

Format for Posting-
Program used:
Ingame name:

The top 3 pictures will be rewarded as followed.
1st place - 4 event points
2nd place - 3 event points
3th place - 2 event point

This event will end in 48 hours!

Goodluck to all of you.
If you have any questions, please P.M. me.