Hey guys,

It's me IGN:Again.

I have never been one of those ''community let's get on forums and show my whack skills in 1v1's brag about it and trashtalk kids on forums'' type of guy
but I decided it was time to atleast sign up on the forums, so I can see what's up and give my opinion on 'updates'.

I already know a few, if not a lot of people on the forums from in game. I am often found in ''Attack 'n Defence'' matches.
I have been a part of this server for a couple of years, I joined it way back in 07-08ish but the server stopped working for me for some reason and I didn't bother to try it out again (hence my name) until the start of 2011 or so.

I am a guy, 18 years old and live in Amsterdam.

I don't share my Facebook/skype/ingstgrams/whateverthe****you'reusing with you guys, I keep that shit to myself.

I will probably not be active on the forums all the time but I'll try to hop on from time to time,

Hope to see you in game,
