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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    First part was a reply to Dave in a message on my profile but then I kept typing so this is too much for that message lol:
    hey, sorry for the really late reply and no reply for a long time all of a sudden lol, i have no more internet at home and im at a library right now, have had no internet at home for more than 2 months now i believe, tough times. And im actually not one of the few lol, because obviously the people that are playing the server and still playing it like it, and the ones that don't really like it dont really play it... and from those people.. well you can hear a lot of things... But even from the dstylers playing here... you'll still here a lot from them..

    Dagger Style on FGunZ
    lol well anyway. Its super mega ultra weird unbalanced lol, towards dstyle mostly, because all of the dagger's stats are wrong, too different, they are so changed and modified to the point where you are modifying all the advancements in dstyle itself, its sad towards that... like.. everyone's work set aside, like a yoyosixteenth, yoyo ( 1 dash, which is the gun dash, then a double dagger flash, dash stab dash stab dash), thats 4 dashes in 1 jump with a shot, and random kids can do that here cuz the delay...

    Wallrun/jump rise animation/gravity and Female dstyle moves related to Wall Jump on FGunZ
    Another thing is the gravity in the game, the jumps are messed up, more specifically, mainly/only the wall jumps/wall run jumps, the jump rise animation is a bit off to the point where you can aerial yoyo with shotguns/machine guns on a female character and that changes everything about dstyle lol, =/. females have slingshot... cough... and a lot of moves, which make them a faster style of dstyle and stuff, its a unique style of playing on a female because they are not able to do yoyos with those 2 guns i mentioned just now. But since walljump has been modified here, i can do weird things on a female character... dstyle is really messed up here.

    Dagger attack ranges... one is missing, which leaves out many developed dagger techniques and messes up Dagger Gladiator, tip stab... Many things...
    The daggers are really messed up because the range is wrong and when you mess with the dagger's range, you mess with tip stab range, and when you are at 75% and above, stabbing some1 with your dagger, and they are blocking, you cannot get recoiled, but since the range is off on fgunz for daggers, the tip stab range is off, and the first thing hellsguards was complaining about was getting recoiled randomly and he was really annoyed about that cuz the range here is off. There were only 2 ranges on the official server, you got 1 right, but the other one is off. On the official servers we are used to slow stronger daggers, with less attack range (but more attack o-o), and weaker, faster, more attack range daggers (which everyone convereted to in late 2010). Im not sure if you have spears here, but the daggers with more range have less range than spears lol.

    Dagger attack speed so high, rusty dagger, the weakest dagger, has so low delay is rediculous, D-Style doesn't exist on FGunZ, It's basically a crap K-Style.
    Also the attack speed of daggers is rediculously high to the point where you don't need to practice/learn many dstyle techiques, u can just do them by spamming left click and dash keys and the dashes and stabs will just fall into place, even though looking messy.. it sucks. The technique dagger machine, a trap that takes a lot of skill is messed up here because of the fast attack speed and dagger's boosted attack damage here. I can just go up to some1 by surprise if they were doing slash shot, and stab them 3-4 times in just 1 - 3 seconds basically ,and they would die if they werent full hp, its really sad =/. To get more stabs on some1 to kill them, you have to know and be a master of the technique dagger machine, as it is a technique where u dodge massives, stay away from block and trap ppl by being 1 step ahead of them when they are turning so u block them if they try to dash away from u (dash stab around them to block that escape path) so with this trapping techinque u can keep an enemy in a certain area longer to get more stabs in. but here since i can just stab over and over so fast with amazing damage... they die so quick i dont need a good dmachine and wen i do dmachine its stupid lol. Ok thats just about dstyle, theres more but ill leave it at that for now.

    Shot Guns- The Triple RS- BULL! And Donor Shotguns on FGunZ. And the Unbalanced crap going on with some shotgun's armor penetration
    Another thing is about your shotguns, fgunz shotguns are modified too much to the point where they modify gameplay overall, playstyles (kstyle, dstyle) the balance of everything... aa... listen, there was a myth move named triple rs, but since here, you have shotguns that are 900 delay or around 900 delay, you can triple rs on fgunz, which messes up gameplay so much because it makes walking more viable. But the in game shot guns that are that delay are weaker in damage which is an ok trade off, but the higher level you get, the more damage they do to the point where its just a breaker 8 with the ability to spam like a machine gun. Were you guys just like: Let's speed up the gameplay by lowering shotgun damage yay. But what actually happened was that the gameplay slowed down by making walking more viable, noobs that can barely RSS, RHS able to just spam triple RS and be able to beat people that have better aim than them even. This is stupid. One day I entered a duel room and i was level 30 something against some1 also level 30 something or they were actually in the level 20's, something like that, but they werent over level 50, thats for sure. Anyway, they had donor shotguns that allow triple rs, and I also was using shotguns that allow triple rs (shotguns that have less than 950 delay). This kid could barely do RSS/SS and RHS/HS, and didnt have better aim than me and i was losing A LOT at first cuz this kid was spamming triple rs and i didnt even know i could do it at first with my guns as well. But even though I could also do it, since he has donor shotguns, they're more damage.... here is why that is unbalanced.. towards the next section! But first, my fight with that kid was MEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA unbalanced because of the lower delay shotguns in the in game shot (having lower damage, compared to the higher delay more damage sg's) also have lower amor penatration, A LOT lower at the lower delays, especially 50 and under.

    Shotguns on FGunZ with their lower penatration on lower delay shotguns in the in game shop.
    I was having a mega hard time beating that kid at first, I could hit 5 shots in a row, at ANY range, and he would ONLY lose AP, and maybe lose about 1- 10 HP. It takes SOOO Many shots to kill with these type of shotguns on FGunZ because they have lower penetration towards HP as well, they just only take out AP even at mid range, long range, close range. If you go to some1 and test it, watch how many shots it takes to kill at mid range. Hmm i wonder if their spread is just horrible as well, o well.

    What the heck is up with the random delays on shotguns, random odd numbers, just throwing numbers out there? Messing up my D-Style moves that actually require timing/shooting move *Recently added*
    The average delay shotgun most users from igunz/official gunz servers is 1000 delay. Theres only two shotguns in your whole game that have 1000 delay, one is level 90 something and the other is level 50 something, around there. When I do not have two shotguns that are the same delay, I start messing up moves randomly, mainly, the moves that require RS in them (mainly D-Style moves, as K-Style moves are all mainly single shot per dash, but you can shoot twice with one dash for D-Style (YoyoRS and its variations). Even without the moves, I trained my RS and learned RS and used RS (reload shot) with only 1000 delay shot guns for 6 years +. One of the main reasons I just ditched trying to fight on FGunZ was because I didn't want to level up to get two 1000 delay shotguns... People who learn to use two random delayed shotguns here... would not know what I am talking about, but the people who have learned and played for a long time with two shotguns that both have the same delay then suddenly are forced to change or have little to no options, would know what I'm talking about. So, don't reply if you can't relate what so ever. Also, again, just changing things for the heck of it will lead to hidden gameplay change; the higher skilled/advanced the move is, the more it can be messed up by such little changes. LDYoyoRSH is one of them. (Late dash yoyo reload shot half).
    Also, random delays like this, mess up reload shot, simple. The secret to keeping reload shot at max speed is that you must put the slower shotgun delay first, then the fastest delay second in your equips (I hope everyone knew this, if you did not, No prob! Now you know!). It works like this because reload shot's second shot is not affect by the previous shot guns delay, however, when trying to shoot again after previously doing 2 fast shots with Reload shot, the delay is there, slowing you down. Therefore, moves that use RS like YoyoRS now chain slower, so when you land on the ground, you have to wait longer before doing the Yoyo again because it is connected with RS and you have to wait because to yoyo, you must Jump + switch to gun. Need balance, two shotguns, that have the same delay, please, 1000 delay.

    Here is exactly why... on the true unbalance crap with shotguns.

    The Balance of in game shotguns, from lower level to higher levels, excluding shotguns that are "Avenger" Type, Also Donor Shotguns- Again.
    So yeah, in the in game shop, shotguns seem to follow this trend for many levels, for a long while: Lower delay, less damage, and higher delay, more damage. This is pretty unique to FGunZ, it's like Kod's and Katana's in a way, however, at a certain level break, I think around 80+, the lower delay shotguns start to get boosted damage. So, some1 using the lower damage lower delay shotguns have emense pressure against some1 using the same but just boosted damage. Why break away from that trend with the shotguns? Change the lower delay lower damage to be overpowered/most used/favoured just because they start to gain damage to match the regular 980-1100s delay shotguns, but with lower delay, allowing for triple rs. Not smart. Some1 fighting a clone of themselves, and copy cat clone somehow, having the exact same aim and able to do the same moves... Here's how it is, you are fighting some1 that can just spray in more shots in a certain time frame with their shotguns and they don't lose damage for it. So if you miss 1 shot, you are now 1 shot behind and you will feel it hard core if you are against some1 that has really good aim, that if you missed 1 shot, you lose, and its not because they are just that godly, its also because they can simply go a shot ahead of you because they have guns that can triple, can shoot faster, and don't have a damage penalty because of it, so they can just go a shot ahead of u again even without you missing a shot, this makes you feel even more hard core behind in the battle just for missing 1 shot or not missing at all lol. This is what the donor shotguns do as well. They don't follow the in game shop's shotgun trend AT ALL. The in game shot, again, has shotguns that are, lower delay, less damage compared to the other ones, higher delay, more damage(not the avenger type). So you get donor shotguns that have 900-950 delay, that can triple rs, get boosted damage... Yeah.. So if you are using the lower delay lower damage against a lower delay... wait wtf, higher damage? In games, thats calleda ****ing handi cap, take that shit off. Triple rs, making walking more viable.. I go into a clan war and i see people just spamming rs 50% of the time each round from mid - long range, people dont even really approach each other in certain maps because walking is more viable.

    ...W/e..... eh.

    Anti lead, AND Lead
    How would you like it if the server was defaulted to lead and you were forced to play lead cuz anti lead was just that little shit option no1 cared about because its just ONLY an option in rooms... To open up the game to MANY more players, different types of people, to be nice, lol, to different types of likes and dislikes, and give a home to other players that are used to what they are used to, make the server not defaulted to anti lead, and not defaulted to lead, but a choice for both. Listen.

    Clan war could have 2 different types of ranking modes, 1 for anti lead and 1 for lead. So a clan could be rank 1 in Anti lead, and another clan could be rank 1 in Lead clan wars. Lead on FGunZ is obviously that option where you do it for fun or for a change or for w/e, but its not even an option in real game modes. Its like learning a move that wont help u in battle if ur planning on fighting a lot or something. Well anyway, there could be this idea also for Duel Tournament, Anti lead DT's and Lead DT's, so there would be 2 ranking DT's, one person could be the number 1 dueler in Lead and another in Anti lead, or 1 person could be number 1 for both! A true master!! Don't lose your roots! D= ALSOOo, could make events that are not only just anti lead, but have events that are played in Lead AND Anti-Lead. So have seasonal Clanwar tournanments thats for Lead, and one for Anti-Lead. So you could have a summer clan war lead tourny and a summer clan war anti lead tourny. Could have a clan thats number 1 in both, or 2 clans, one number one in their respective favoured types. So when you have infection events, or things like that, make sure to host one thats anti lead, then one thats lead, or vice versa, be appealing to more types of players, get more players, get more money, more love in the community idk w/e lol.

    Also to make the server truely lead and anti lead... When you log on or better, when you make a room, have an option that auto pops up that asks do you want to make a lead room or anti lead room instead of defauting to one. But that message everytime when making a room would be annoying, so then have an option that says, "default to lead/anti lead for the next times?" So then you wont get annoyed by some message, but could still go into game room options to switch back to anti lead/lead.

    Well thats my 9999999999 cents, FGunZ has a nice community, nice mods/admins/w/e other jobs, keep playing. (cept dstylers, cant dstyle here lol) D=

    - DDaggerDD, the andregibson dstyler


    Lowest damage on a dagger should be 10. Highest should be 15, don't mess up the penetration ratio on the daggers from the original (which idk what they were). Cuz if that gets messed up, then the right damage wouldnt matter.

    Higher delay, More damage, less range:
    15 damage, 346 delay, 190 range (strongest dagger on ijji for this type, was called crystal blade). Note these type of daggers arent used anymore because more range and less delay > just a bit less damage. Its all good because we learned to cope with it, don't change anything.

    Lower delay, Less damage, more range:
    12 damage, 326 delay, 220 range. (no armor boosting stats was on this one, there were 2 or three that gave more armor/hp, one had more AP, but 1 less damage from 12. One had more ap, more damage, the boosted range, but less delay, equal delay to 346 ( the standard for a long time, and the standard for the stronger daggers).

    The less range daggers i believe have a range of 190 and the higher range have 220 (like swords). Lowest delay cant go lower than 326 and dont go over 346 delay. anything thats out of those stats will be deemed "not for real use" AKA training rooms. or ****ing around.
    Last edited by DDaggerDD; 07-22-2013 at 10:46 PM.

  2. The following 18 users say thank you to DDaggerDD for this useful post:

    -AznNinja (07-20-2013), 2k1uj3h21 (07-20-2013), 61SR (07-19-2013), Adolf Hipster (07-20-2013), Dave (07-19-2013), Aynia (07-20-2013), GeorgeGFX (07-19-2013), Izzat (07-20-2013), Johnny (07-19-2013), Kira (07-20-2013), KoVuMASA (07-22-2013), Lilith (07-22-2013), Lspasus (07-19-2013), Mike (08-15-2013), MimicCry (07-28-2013), Ommadawn (07-20-2013), Remorse (07-20-2013), ThiYnk (07-20-2013)

  3. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Finally !
    Someone who has a Brain working!

  4. The following user said thank you to Themaster88 for this useful post:

    DDaggerDD (07-19-2013)

  5. #3
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Well this is an useful thread.

    I agree with you on most parts, except the "server defaulted to lead" part.
    Anti-lead is probably the most important thing of most servers nowadays. (Of course, our anti-lead is not perfect at the moment since it's not P2P, but that will change soon.)

    I'm going to send you a PM regarding the daggers and shotguns.

  6. The following 3 users say thank you to Dave for this useful post:

    61SR (07-19-2013), DDaggerDD (07-19-2013), ThiYnk (07-20-2013)

  7. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    Well this is an useful thread.

    I agree with you on most parts, except the "server defaulted to lead" part.
    Anti-lead is probably the most important thing of most servers nowadays. (Of course, our anti-lead is not perfect at the moment since it's not P2P, but that will change soon.)

    I'm going to send you a PM regarding the daggers and shotguns.
    Actually, you have it wrong there, I never said anything about removing anti lead nor did i say anything about defaulting the server to lead. however thanks for taking the time to see this and awesome that u agree on most parts!

  8. #5
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Originally Posted by DDaggerDD View Post
    Actually, you have it wrong there, I never said anything about removing anti lead nor did i say anything about defaulting the server to lead.
    Oh yes I misread that. My bad.

  9. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    Oh yes I misread that. My bad.
    yeah no prob, all k

  10. #7
    GeorgeGFX's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Not trying to be d1ck and spam but I think the is the first serious thread I ever read for the past few years..
    I know how you feel about that and I hope they will fix/balance the things.
    You got my full support.

    >>> Credits to Sikk408 @ DevaintArt <<<

  11. The following user said thank you to GeorgeGFX for this useful post:

    DDaggerDD (07-19-2013)

  12. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Originally Posted by George View Post
    Not trying to be d1ck and spam but I think the is the first serious thread I ever read for the past few years..
    I know how you feel about that and I hope they will fix/balance the things.
    You got my full support.
    thanks man!

  13. #9
    yakaki24's Avatar Have a nice day :)

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    so no one asked it then i will

    how long took you write all this wtf its like a book O,O

  14. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Originally Posted by yakaki24 View Post
    so no one asked it then i will

    how long took you write all this wtf its like a book O,O
    took a while cuz i lost like half the post and couldnt get it back then i had to redo, was annoyed but I continued lol. didnt take long cuz i had everything on my mind and just had to splatter it all out with the keyboard.. if you use ********** forums/aeria... i basically got awarded for typing "essays" lol - every single one beind mega helpful to all, ofc lol.

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